Protect fixed targets
Protection office buildings
Protection events
Protecting VIP
Hospital protection
Protect schools
Escort goods
Public protection
Specializing in occupational safety-Binh Minh BMC
Online support

 Protection of buildings, office

Based on the characteristics of the location and operational status of each business customers that own specific requirements for force protection. The purpose of force protection requirements Binh Minh BMC is to ensure security and safety for all normal operations of our customers as well as customer transactions facilitate easy, everyone abuses cause cardiac disorder, theft of property are to detect, prevent and treat promptly. Security Services Co., Ltd. Dawn BMC supply professional security personnel, qualified, professional, contractual, as a protection for companies, factories and plants, processing zones manufacturing, industrial parks, office buildings, supermarkets, the large and small private business documents, etc. need to protect the security, property, area of ​​business units are.
This is the main type of fixed target and we currently supply contract security guards for the development objectives to the hundreds items tieu.Mot when customers choose type of protection This protection is synonymous with the law and order situation and assets of the unit you are safe 24/24 hours.
Join the Fire and Rescue fire when the problem occurs in the scope of protection.
Apply the solution, remedial measures in accordance with Vietnamese law.
In fixed target type of protection, you will always feel safe and satisfied with the professional security forces, trained, will be ready to respond in time, the support of the forces Our motive for uncertain situations occur such as: violence, disturbing disorder, strike protests occurred in the customer"s enterprise unit has signed a contract providing protection with Protection Service Company Dawn BMC
Professional security force at the targets fixed by us to provide companies, industrial factories, office buildings, supermarkets will be arranged to work 24/24 hours, with a head command arrangements, guard patrols and carried out the work in accordance with the requirements of each customer.

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Binh Minh BMC Guard Sevices Company

Address : 7C12 Ha Huy Giap, Lot 4, Nam Long Residential Area, Thanh Loc Ward, 12 District, HCM City
Tel : 028.37010202  Fax : 028.37010201

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